Aloneness and Love
As I speak to my clients each day, I hear the same thread running through so many of the conversations...
The experience of being ALONE.
Being the only one with that problem or that dilemma.
The only one struggling to make sense of the absolute randomness of life.
I feel it. I sit in my office all alone, and I imagine that I must solve all the problems - alone.
Lately, the randomness of my own life has gotten too big for me to face alone, and I've discovered the antidote to aloneness -
So often, I don't reach out, because I just don't know what to ask for.
And there's only one thing to ever ask for:
Every human wants to give and receive love, and when we ask for it, not only do we receive - but the giver receives too. And in one shining, brilliant moment, aloneness disappears.
You are connected - you are known - you are LOVED.
Right now - go ASK FOR LOVE! You deserve it.

I just love this message. Sometimes we just need to ask! Thank you! I will do just that today.
Thank you Linda! Enjoy the love! XOXO Dori
Hi Dori ~
Just love your blog offerings. Short, succinct, right to the heart of things. Thank you again for your beautiful, vulnerable and honest words, reminders.
Sending you tons and tons of LOVE!!
I receive your LOVE Sue! And send it back!! XOXOXO Dori
Thank you for this actionable suggestion Dori, especially when we don’t know what to ask for!!! ASK FOR LOVE!
I remember as a teenager having a favorite poster hanging on my wall. I looked at it every day. It was a beautiful ocean scene with this quote: ” Memories are the fuel that aloneness burns on.” I even used it as my high school yearbook quote beneath my picture. I took it with me to college and then saved it in a treasure box with all my other stuff for years. You know how we can accumulate stuff! It was only a few years ago that I needed to make a major move, downsize and get rid of my stuff! Poster included! I threw away aloneness and something amazing happened. Love took over. Now, I collect love, enough to overflow, and there is always enough to give away! It’s hard not to carry past experiences into the present that can make you feel alone. I found by choosing love, aloneness disappears. I think the real beauty of ASKING FOR LOVE is that it accumulates. Then it becomes a never ending cycle of giving & receiving and we are caught in it’s never ending flow.
So I am sending you LOVE! Let it love flow back to you in abundance, and overflow!
I love that story, and it really does show that we often get what we focus on.
So much funner to focus on LOVE, don’t you think?
I receive your LOVE dear Christi, and send it back in kind! XOXO Dori
What you say seems so simple– and yet, until we practice asking for love (or for help, or for support), it seems so hard!
Our society seems to value strength, independence, and untouchableness– yet, so many of us crave (and are starving for) love, love, more love– and the ability to show our neediness, our insecurities, our vulnerability.
But doesn’t it take tremendous courage really to “come clean”– to admit we are flawed, overwhelmed, depressed, sad, lonely… HUMAN???
Connection is the cure for loneliness, and love is how we connect. Asking for love is a sign of courage– and of strength!
(Asking the right people, of course, is key…)
Thank you, dori, for your reminder– brilliant!!!
Thank you
It is so true Valerie that it seems that we are supposed to be strong & independent and have it all together.
In reality – NO ONE has it all together all the time! Our opportunity as humans is to learn to be with and even enjoy the times when it’s not all together – and to SHARE LOVE at all times!
The beauty is, that in my experience, as soon as you muster the courage to be vulnerable the WORLD shows up at your doorstep to support you!
Sending you LOVE Valerie! XOXO Dori
Thank you Dori, your thoughts and words always hit home. Asking for and accepting Love are great things!
Sending you LOVE right now Tiphenie! XOXO Dori
Thank you dear Dori for the beautiful reminder to ask…
… and to ask specifically for Love, because what is simpler (although not always easier!) than asking for the one thing that has the qualities to amplify , expand, connect and be inclusive.
Thank you too, for this beautiful blog that has uplifted me and freed me up to allow Love to work it’s magic.
Love fully received!
Love to you….
Thank you for your Love Astrid! I feel it and honor it and YOU!
I’m discovering newly – or maybe remembering – that LOVE really is the power that fuels the Universe! Love in all of it’s beautiful, imperfect, vulnerable forms is real magic!
Thank you, Dori, for this most important reminder. I struggled for the past week completely consumed with caring for my husband, caring for others, and feeling the pain of isolation beyond anything I have experienced for some time. It was only when I opened the door from inside to ask for LOVE, did the pain subside. I want to tell you that I am learning WE ARE NOT MEANT TO GO THROUGH LIFE ALONE!!!
Shari – SO TRUE – we are NOT meant to go through life alone!
And here’s what I’m discovering – and what this blog post is really about – we are never alone, it only feels that way.
This world is so full of beautiful souls ready to reach out and give you the LOVE and connection you need, we just need to remind ourselves to ask!
Sending you SO MUCH LOVE and PERMISSION for asking!!! XOXO Dori