Intentionally Creating Connection - Inspired Income

Intentionally Creating Connection

As we’ve navigated the past year, we’ve had to change so much about how we do just about everything – and being connected and related is just one of these areas of change.

Are you connecting?

I know for me, I have had to change how I connect and stay connected – Zoom has become a part of many of my relationships!

The truth is, our best relationships have always been built through intentionally creating connection, it just wasn’t as obvious until now.  

So, what does it take to intentionally create connection?


Do you want to be connected and related? If so, why? Being clear on the desire to be connected can empower you to do the actions.


What do you value in life and in relationships? Finding others with similar values will support you in maintaining connection.


While you can certainly have relationships that are built on fun, intention connection is often more about where and how can you grow into more of who you know yourself to be.  So, how does this relationship support my growth, and is this person also interested in growing with me?

From these places, you can actually be excited to connect intentionally… And a tactical tip- always schedule your next connection before you end the current one!

